понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.


Today went to school as usual
blah blah
dun wanna elaborate lazy hahas.
after school accompany Janet back home
to take her things and put down her bag together with Dearest
then they came over to my house
watch tv. Lols.
all this luh 4 More days.
actually is 3 More but specifically is 4
everything is coming to an end. Friendships between me and my friends. The unity of the class and lots more.
to _____ please dun think that u are so big okays? enough is enough u want ________ i already keep quiet
and let u do want u want? pls dun be so guo fen kays? this thing will come to and end sooon and it will be ur turn
one day just dun forget how u ______ me in the past too u always say i ________ u? then have u think about urself?
or have u never reflect before? since i already said that infront of everyone before if u remember. Then wad is the point?
Lols. I kept quiet when u are doing all this things. I got alot of things then i can ______ u back is just that i kept quiet.
My _________ says that u will _______ me if we _________. Hahas but she is wrong. Nevermind (:
u still tell me will still treat me as ur _______? Pui.�dun act behind luh.
i donapos;t care if u hate me or love me. And thats all i have for u.
if u wanna influence _______, i also dun care if she really ________ you so be it.
it will just reflect that u are not my true friend and so does she.
i have seen enough and heard enough.
I have seen through you. From today onwards we will not be friends anymore. (:
get out of my life please.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

career communication degree

Black lights and a disco ball
Cut the carpets going wall to wall
Maybe someday wonapos;t be just one way
Had a dream I was laying in hell
Looked a lot like this hotel, maybe one day
Wonapos;t be just one way

But itapos;s one big maybe
Maybe Iapos;m the one whoapos;s crazy
How can I find out,
How can I wind up,
Trying to be like you?

And all is well in hell
I wish you were here,
Iapos;m wishing you well.
You know who asked about you
Far as I can tell
All in all, all is well.

A bomb shelter and some cans of food
A gas mask looks good on you
Come and see me, wouldnapos;t wanna be me
I think I injured my funny bone
Iapos;m gonna cry when I get home, maybe one day
Save it for someday.

But itapos;s one big maybe
Maybe Iapos;m the one whoapos;s crazy
How can I find out,
How can I wind up,
Trying to be like you?

And all is well in hell
I wish you were here,
Iapos;m wishing you well.
You know who asked about you
Far as I can tell
All in all, all is well.

All is well, here in hell
I wish you were here,
Iapos;m wishing you well.
All is well, here in hell
I wish you were here,
All in all, all is well.

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Thereapos;s not enough room on my hard drive for me to defrag it.

so iapos;m trying to delete things and copy things to my other hard drive.

I got season one of mad men from the library. I hope itapos;s good.

I got ten CDs from the library today.

My room is still messy. Still havenapos;t found time to clean. Maybe tomorrow I can watch mad men and clean my room all day.

Is the one guy on this from Angel?

I need a good way to store greeting cards. I have all these spare cards and no good place to keep them. Maybe one of those photo boxes?
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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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At Magna Faire, last year, a mention was made to me of Period Woodcuts, featuring ice skating scenes. It was mentioned that they showed ladies carrying muffs, and it was obvious that they were not royalty, but Middle Class.

Does anyone have any clues what these are and where to find them?

Ye-up, back on the documentation trail again. Hopefully, I can find more and get it better organized, this time.

I also want to work on some hats. Outfits need hats, too. I want to do a 13th century outfit, complete with the Pork pie hat, and I want to do a Loose Gown and kirtle, with an embroidered caul or an aterfet with lace edging.

Time travel. I luv eet.

Besides, at the rate I have begun to lose weight, I need outfits where I donapos;t have to keep taking them apart.

What is the really one THING I HATE about sewing?

Taking out the D--- stitches

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Yaguruma lay curled around Shun once they had finished, head resting against the other manapos;s as a hand idly stroked his side. Half-lidded eyes traced their way along the contours of Kageyamaapos;s body, taking in the places where his soft, pale skin had been marred with a myriad of bruises, scratches, and bite marks. Sou himself still felt a distant sting where Kageyama had dug his fingernails into his back, but it was not an unpleasant feeling. The sound of Shun screaming his name still rang in his ears, the sight of the smaller manapos;s face contorted into an expression of pained pleasure burned into his memory.

As he lay there, however, fighting to stay lost in that beautiful moment, that glorious afterglow, he found his mind wandering toward unpleasant territory. As much as he wanted to forget what had happened that day, as much as he wanted to protect Kageyama from the knowledge, Shun of all people had a right to know, and was the only one he could trust with the information. And if things happened to take a turn for the worst at any point, he wanted the other man to be prepared for it.

He just didnapos;t want to disappoint him. Not again.

"Shun," he breathed softly, reaching to smooth out the other manapos;s hair a little. "Will you... No matter what happens... Will you stay with me?" There was a hesitance in his voice, something rather uncommon for Yaguruma Sou.


Seika was humming to himself as he wandered his way home, reflecting on the day. Part of him was a little disappointed, but he knew that he had to take things slow. If one miniscule step at a time was what it took to be accepted by those people, then he would have to watch his footing and creep up on them carefully.

Tendou didnapos;t trust him; but then, Seika had never expected he would. Hiyori, too, had seemed wary of his presence, but that was also to be expected, as she was uncomfortable around most strangers to begin with. He imagined she would get used to him soon enough so long as he didnapos;t push the friendliness too far. The only person that really mattered in this situation was Kagami Arata, and of all of the Riders, that man would certainly be the easiest to manipulate. Too trusting, too full of good intentions. It was exactly why Seika had chosen him.


The sound distracted him from his thoughts, and Seika looked up just in time to see a young girl colliding with a much larger man, her things spilling out all over the sidewalk. At first, he regarded the event with a vague disinterest, but upon closer inspection he realized he recognized this girl. He had not investigated her as much, but he knew her well enough to know her face: Tendou Juka, Tendou Soujiapos;s adoptive little sister.

How convenient, he thought, managing to keep a smile from spreading across his boyish features.

The man she had run into, however, did not have the same reaction. A large, surly gaijin, he had apparently failed to learn both to speak Japanese as well as to master the the most basic of manners. He was yelling at the girl in English, demanding to know why the hell she didnapos;t watch where she was going. She was trying to stammer out a response in her own broken version of the language, but the foreigner was drowning her out with his obscenities.

What a lovely opportunity.

Clearing the distance, Seika reached to pat the man on the shoulder. When the barbarian turned to face him, he offered the fellow a cool grin. "Is there a problem?" he asked, his English impeccable. Not a trace of an accent gave him away.

This threw the other man considerably. "Yeah," he grunted, now sounding less than certain of himself. "This little bitch doesnapos;t know how to watch where sheapos;s going."

"I see," Seika replied. "Well, it is good to know that you are man enough to put a junior high school student in her place." His voice was perfectly calm, almost to the point it made one wonder whether he was being sarcastic or not. "After all, we wouldnapos;t want her getting to think she has a right to be walking on this sidewalk as much as you do."

"Forget it," the foreigner snapped back, retreating rather readily now that someone had actually had the balls to redress him in his native language.

Seika didnapos;t bother watching him go, instead kneeling down to help Juka gather up her books. "Itapos;s unfortunate," he commented, slipping effortlessly into Japanese. "Some people just never learn their manners, do they?"

"Huaaa," Juka breathed appreciatively, tucking all of her books back into her bag. "Youapos;re Japanese? Your English is really good"

Seika couldnapos;t stop the giggle that escaped. "I do my best," he answered with just the right degree of humility, holding out her tennis-racket shaped case to her as they got to their feet. "Are you alright?"

"Iapos;m just fine" Juka chirped in return. "Thanks for helping me out, ah...."

"It was no problem at all," Seika replied smoothly, extending a hand. "And Iapos;m Tsukehara Seika, miss." He gave her a smile. "I hope youapos;ll be more careful in the future."

"Tendou Juka" she announced, looking at his hand for a moment before giving it an awkward shake. When he lifted it to his lips to place a soft kiss against her knuckles, her face turned a bright red all the way to her hairline. A half a second later, she emitted a high pitched squeak. "Ah Cram school Iapos;m going to be late"

"Take care then, Tendou-san," Seika said with a smile as he released her hand. "Perhaps weapos;ll meet again."

As he watched her scurry off, it was all he could do not to laugh. Perhaps? There was no perhaps about it. They would be meeting again for certain.

Seemed like things had suddenly gotten a lot more interesting.

The rest of the walk home was uneventful, aside from the wheels that were turning steadily in his head as he pondered how to make the best use of his time over the next few days. His eyes slid over the humans crowding the streets with disgust. They were fun to play with, but overall a highly inferior species. Weak, needy, stupid. Helpless little sheep.

Slipping into the place he and Heiji were calling home, he shut the door softly behind him and slid out of his shoes. "Tadaima," he announced.

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Itapos;s funny how my songs have become yours.�

Frogs remind me of that one rainy day we were walking home towards that overpass from your school to your church.� We were sidestepping dead frogs and I would scream every time a real live one hopped by while you nuzzled my neck and enveloped me in your arms, making us walk awfully awkward and slow, but crazily happy.

Iapos;ve placed you on a pedestal, so high no one compares.� But you are a bust gathering dust on the upper shelf and they say you need to be replaced.� If I�couldnapos;t take you down from the top spot, I should get myself a new one.

Each time this song plays though, I think of you and how I want so badly to kiss you.� Maybe because I want you to know the taste of goodbye.� Or maybe because I want to prove to myself that you are just one of the many frogs I have to kiss before my real prince arrives.� That you are just a frog, my little prince.� I have to consciously convince myself every waking second you are nothing more.

I want to kiss you mostly because I want you.

I�love you.

And a kiss, will make you mine once again, even if only for as long as it lasts.

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Vchora buv shalenuy denapos;. Rozkazuyu. Vstav ya v 6.10. Pohavav plastivci z molokom, kava srarbaks. 7.15-vuihav z domu na velosipedi v shkolu. Yihatu 5 mulapos;, toistapos; 8 kilometriv. Za pivchasa yizdu do shkolu mokruy yak gonz. Pershuy urok anatomiya, yak zavzdu v pyatnucyu pushem galimuy test. Napusav harasho, togosho na cey raz ponyav pochti polovunu. Na comp. Class ya spusuvav algebru v pqacana, a to manav ya yiyi robutu.na English class bula presentaciya moya pro Ukrainu. Bula klasno, zadavalu bagato putanapos;=))) Potim Algebra, galimuy test. Potim P.E. I History. Ya baran i ne dumav sho bude soccer practise, togo y na veliku pruihav. A vona bula, az dva chasa. Koroche z 3 do pyatu tupo vbuvavsya v soccer. A potim estestvenno nada dodomu yihatu 8 km. Srazu yak pruihav, chuvstvuvav sebe baranyachoyu srakoyu. Cherez 20 minut, pislya dusha, za mnoyu zaihala Laura i Kayla v kino...
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